Ole aus Kopenhagen: Why activism is tiring – and yet so important

© Uta Mühleis

Ole Seidenberg bloggt live vom UN-Klimagipfel in Kopenhagen. Mehr Infos zur Reihe am Ende des Beitrags.

Autor*in RESET , 09.12.09

Los geht’s. Für zwei Wochen bin ich als deutscher „Negotiator Tracker“ in Kopenhagen dabei, um der deutschen Delegation auf die Finger zu schauen.

It’s only Day 3 of these negotiations, but all of us are already going to our limits. 3-4 hours sleep, tons of documents, many different actions and information flows… confusing interviews and confrontations with delegates, let alone breaking mobile phones and lost local simcards. There is a lot of things that exhaust us every day – and yet, our role here keeps gaining momentum, outreach and importance. Just yesterday, I have talked to my leading German negotiator: Nicole Wilke. I have asked her personally about her thoughts regarding us and our role, not only the trackers, but including all the different kinds of activists and civil society organisations.

She had told me in the past and repeated yesterday: These UN-conferences are a huge game and within this, everyone of us has to play her or his role. All those diverse sides that come together and form the dynamics of these negotiations are important to come to an agreement that lives up to our expectations.

Delegates in Copenhagen cannot really do as much as we might think and expect from them: In the end, they are doing their job, which is “representing” your countries – your government that is… so in most of the cases, it can be very frustrating for us to talk to delegates and try to push them in any direction, when they are indeed just the “long arm” of their respective ministers and heads of state.

However, we do sometimes gain some insights by talking to them – and after having known them for about six months now, we can figure when they need to argue along the lines of something they actually don’t really believe in personally.

Activism in all its forms – except the violent ones(!) – is not only drawing the media attention to all those important cornerstones and sometimes tricky loopholes, it is also making these events a lot more colorful. And even though we might be tired and exhausted after just three days, we will certainly not give up until the day we got that real deal that we all need to have this amazing amount of fun also in the future…

In Kopenhagen beraten die Vereinten Nationen derzeit über ein globales Klimaschutzabkommen. Im Rahmen der Aktion Adopt a negotiator bloggt Ole Seidenberg live von den Verhandlungen. Alle Beiträge von Ole kannst du hier lesen. Du willst dich für ein faires Klimaschutzabkommen stark machen? Bei TckTckTck.org findest du viele Möglichkeiten, wie du dich jetzt engagieren kannst. RESET ist offizieller Partner von TckTckTck.

© Ole Seidenberg
Climate Tracker Ole: „The time is now!“

Ole Seidenberg bloggt live vom UN-Klimagipfel in Kopenhagen. Mehr Infos zur Reihe am Ende des Beitrags.