RESET is Seeking a Native English Sustainability & Digitalisation Editor in Berlin

Reset Team
Benjamin Lucks

RESET is looking for a new native English speaking Sustainability & Digitalisation Editor for our Berlin team. Apply until March 15th 2024!

Autor Lana O'Sullivan:

Übersetzung Lana O'Sullivan, 15.02.24

Are you a native English speaker with proven professional writing experience, a background in sustainability and/or digitalisation and live in Berlin? Then apply for a job with us!

At, we have been reporting on the potential and hurdles of digitisation in the sustainability sector since 2007. We are solution-focused and look into how digitisation can be used effectively for sustainable development, as well as how sustainable digitisation should and is being designed, and by whom. 

We are looking for a native English editor to support our online editorial team on a freelance basis. The weekly workload is approximately 8 hours and will require 1 hour of in-person editorial meetings per week in our top-floor Holtzmarkt office. 

Your tasks:

  • – Research topics
  • – Write and edit articles
  • – Support us with networking and Social Media

What is important to us:

  • – You are confident in journalistic writing and in dealing with digital media and have a good feeling for language
  • – You are passionate about sustainability and digitalisation and ideally already have experience in these areas
  • – You are a strong communicator and work well in a team

What we offer:

  • – A meaningful engagement with two of the most important topics of our time
  • – The opportunity to deepen your knowledge in the areas of sustainability and digitalisation
  • – A small, dynamic team and plenty of freedom to contribute your topics and ideas and try out new formats
  • – Flexibility in arranging your tasks and working hours in consultation with the team
  • – A beautiful office on Holzmarkt with a view of the Spree to use when you wish

Our editorial office is in Berlin, home office is partly possible. We look forward to receiving your short, informative application and writing samples by the 15th of March

Contact for queries and application: Lana O’Sullivan –

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